Mishkan Review of Learning Messiah

Issue 82 of Mishkan – published by the Caspari Center, Jerusalem – offers a review of Learning Messiah written by Rich Robinson, senior researcher with Jews for Jesus, USA. Also a reaction to the review by Edjan Westerman is to be found in this issue.

“… Westerman is not looking to write a defense as much as to show, given postsupersessionist premises, what a reading of the Old and New Testaments looks like. Like any reading of the Bible, it either succeeds in carrying its own plausibility or it fails to. Plausibility does not equal proof, but it factors into any final evaluation. And as a running biblical narrative along postsupersessionist lines, I know of nothing else quite like it.”

“The book’s focus on narrative plausibly shows what a postsupersessionist perspective can look like when applied to the entire storyline of the Bible; others in the postsupersessionist discussion may write the story differently. I commend Learning Messiah as stimulating, paradigm-challenging, forward-looking, and thought-provoking.” – Rich Robinson

Mishkan 82 can read and downloaded at the website of the Caspari Center. There one can also find older issues of this theological magazine. It can also be downloaded from this this website.